8 Week Hit the Trails Off-Season Plan | HR & Power | Trail Running & MTB | Email access to coach

1 day/week
Power, HR


The off-season is an interesting time for triathletes. Some will stretch out the season with a race or two before the shortened season finishes; others have hung up their tri-suit and are focusing on 2022. Ultimately, there’s no ‘one rule fits all’, so you should feel free to experiment with how you spend the next few months. But note this: there’s significant evidence to suggest that mixing up your training environments is beneficial for both the pure physical improvements it can elicit and ...

Structured workout in your watch
This training plan includes

Individualized training with structured workouts

Structured workouts guide you through workouts in real time and deliver a more efficient and effective training session.

Weekly Averages

Days of training


8 workouts
11 km
20 workouts
31:10:00 hr
20 workouts
13:40:00 hr
12 mi
Strength Training
17 workouts
06:20:00 hr
Cross Training
8 workouts
01:20:00 hr
Different sport devices

Supported Apps and Devices

Sync data from popular fitness devices and apps such as Garmin, Apple Watch, Strava, TrainerRoad, COROS and many others.

Garmin logo
Apple Watch logo
Strava logo
Trainer Road logo
COROS logo

8 Week Hit the Trails Off-Season Plan | HR & Power | Trail Running & MTB | Email access to coach

1 day/week
Power, HR
8 Week Hit the Trails Off-Season Plan | HR & Power | Trail Running & MTB | Email access to coach
  • Apply instantly to your Final Surge calendar. Reuse this plan as much as you want.
  • Sync Structured Workouts to supported devices
  • Daily workout email reminders
Plan Provided by
Karen Parnell L3 BTF, 8020 & IRONMAN U Certified Coach & NASM PT
Coach Image